Current price | $36.00 | 2025-03-26 |
Minimum price | $36.00 | 2025-02-04 |
Maximum price | $36.00 | 2025-02-04 |
(i) Is made of fabric, paper, plastic, cardboard, corrugated material, aluminum, glass, postconsumer recycled material, or. equivalent material or... (ii) Is designed for transporting, consuming, or protecting merchandise, food, or beverages from or at a food appointment.
Captivating a walk along local rivers and streams or at the beach can be relaxing and provide good exercise. However, it also reveals the pervasiveness of soft debris in our environment. Plastic is by far the most common type of debris in rivers and oceans as it accounts for over ¾ of all debris...
Patrick Frazier of St. Charles loads his body and back seat with a rack of seasoned oak firewood purchased from El-Mel Inc. Lawn and Garden in St. Charles before Friday's expected ice thunderstorm on Thursday, Jan. "Being a Boy Scout and everything, I want to be prepared, said Frazier, who also has...
A accumulation of local volunteers persevered through freezing temperatures and wind to pick up trash around the Arkansas River, stuffing several trash... Joel Kantor of volunteer group the Oklahoma River Warriors kept warm Saturday by riding a few miles on his bike. "Distress gets the blood flowing. "...
The excrescence rings in a tooth they pulled revealed her age—eight years, a mature female sea otter. They anesthetized her and placed tags on her flippers. They assigned her a include: LCI013, or 13 for short. They installed a transmitter in her belly and gave her a VHF radio frequency: 165. 155...
Ben Ontiveros, left-wing, and Jesse Town of the city of Fortuna Parks Department filled sand bags last month for budding flood control behind the city... Fortuna residents can get sand bags from the front of the parks aid. A shovel is usually in the sand pile, and some seniors or others who are...
It is the end sequel of a partnership between Larry Groves of Oak Groves Artesian Water Company in Toronto and International Packaging Innovations... Macler said that the draw of the packaging reduces the carbon footprint associated with the sale and distribution of bottled water, and makes...
Trout plants last with 1200 pounds released on Thursday, and the lake has risen to only 6 feet from spilling with heavy inflow from Jackson... Trout proceed with to be found in the shallows with Kastmasters, green trout dough bait, or Power Eggs. Trollers are starting to get in on the act with...
I am in Brazil this week, visiting a wind dagger manufacturer, near Fortaleza in the state of Ceará, in the northeast of the country. This region is, for Brazil, where the wind blows at its best ... comes from river systems in the north and northwest ...
5, Wesley Clark Jr. , the band leader of a loosely formed protest group, Veterans Stand for Standing Rock, woke up to the buzz of his room phone in a... It was 6:30 a. m. The caller had some troubling news. Just before dawn, one of the veterans down in the protest bivouac, where members of the group had...
Wind ... bag stations for residents. “We’re giving them a shovel and the sand and showing them how to surfeit them up, said Jason Hoppin, a Santa Cruz County spokesman. “We haven’t seen rain like this in a long time.” The Truckee River, which ...
and new switch apparatus—to manage flows of current that are not simply running from A to B. But, if it can be achieved, it would make the use of renewable-energy sources much easier. When the wind blows strongly in Germany, but there is minor demand for the ...
The Han isn’t just a river, it’s an icon — for this diocese and this country. “Han” (한) means “wide” or “large, and the river is definitely that — 1 km (.62 miles) as it flows through ... is when a west wind blows it over ...